QUESTION: Do you remember the right wing militias that were swarming our borders a few years back?
Imagine how you would feel if someone said to you:
Sorry To Interrupt Your Self-Hate For Being An American
But the facts are they are NOT undocumented immigrants but ILLEGAL ALIENS.
They are also NOT as Trump would have you believe::
- Rapists
- Murderers
- Gang members
- Enemies of America
They are instead hard working, family oriented, self motivated! Furthermore if given mercy, could become the future back bone of the American middle class.
Crossing the border as ILLEGAL ALIENS does NOT make them rapists, killers, gang members or the enemies of America. But it also does NOT make them “undocumented immigrants”. To earn the designation “immigrant” they would have to OBEY THE LAW. What about the people who obey the law, wait in line and do what is required? Are the LAW ABIDING REAL IMMIRGRANTS fools?
As A Progressive Am I Required To Hate The Law And My White Ancestors To PURCHASE My Progressive Identity?
As we on the left correctly attack Trump for his violations of the law, am I required to look the other way at the violation of American borders and our immigration law? No they are NOT undocumented immigrants. They are ILLEGAL ALIENS. Nice folks, hard working and good candidates for an amnesty. BUT they still are not “undocumented” but illegal.
Dear Fellow Liberals,
I know it is so hard to try to control your urgent sense of masochism and self hate. I realize you have been conditioned to NOT solve problems but to bask in the glow of collective guilt. Just like the old time religion made us feel guilty for being the decedents of Adam and Eve. Now we can bask in the glow of collective guilt for being, white, Americans and oh my MOTHER GODDESS…. middle class. Mea Culpa.
But guess what? That still doesn’t change reality. If you want Republicans to respect the RULE OF LAW then do so yourself. Again I realize you will have to take a break from your self hate for being white, Americans and middle class. But I have faith in you. We can ACTUALLY SOLVE PROBLEMS rather that use phony guilt. A nation has a right to govern it’s borders. No really it does!
- Those ILLEGAL ALIENS present in America must register.
- As ILLEGAL ALIENS they can be given a yellow card that will turn green then into full citizenship. BUT
- Build the wall. No I don’t buy the krap that walls don’t work. YOU DO NOT WANT THEM TO WORK. STOP BEING A LIAR! Your lies are transparent and that is the fuel for Trump.
- Rigorously enforce E-VERIFY. Those above with the yellow card do not have to worry about being expelled.
- All ILLEGALS MUST LEARN ENGLISH. My ancestors did and so should they. Stop the elitism by some Hispanics. This is NOT a Spanish speaking country. (I promise to go to confession to the Mother Goddess for my wickedness in not realizing how white privilege clouds my judgements and how as a male I rape Mother Earth….Mea Culpa…..Mea Culpa….)
- Liberals must strive daily to contain their idiotic GUILT. Stop being LIARS. You are against the RULE OF LAW when our borders are violated. You preach to Trumpites then sanction New Think lingo with “undocumented”.
We must build a Sweden style Social Democracy in America.
We will never accomplish that while AOC advocates that it is peachy keen to have “migration”! After all we are wicked White, middle class Americans and we must know our place as curse of humanity. Oh Mother Goddess forgive me for being X percent of the world’s population and using X + Y percent of the resources. I am sure in Africa all classes share EQUALLY in their nations resources. Yeah right. We CAN be progressive social democrats and NOT masochistic idiots who feed the Trump surge.
[…] The issue is not facts. The issue is “feelings of belonging” and how they relate to the testosterone rush. To belong to the TRIBE is more important than facts. Liberals can also act this way. View my prior post. Unfortunately for many a liberal, a day without collective guilt is a day withou…. […]