Dr. H. Scott Peck wrote a book called, “People Of The Lie”. He is a renowned psychiatrist who deals with religion and psychology. Our former vice president has decided to block his conscience and join Trump and the Fox News crowd as “people of the lie“. Like Senator Ted Cruz he is willing to doubt his senses and values to “be a part of the MAGA TRIBE”!
The problem is now our nation is being torn to shreds. I am a liberal and a social democrat. But I recognize that we on the left sometimes suffer from pacing tribe over reason and country. .. See my prior post.
Trump And Fox News Are Giving Many Alienated Americans A Voice But At A Price
Mike Pence’s life was threatened. But he has to much of his psyche invested in Trump. They tried to kill him on January 6th. Yet he still wants that TESTOSTERONE RUSH and is willing to pay the price for FEELINGS OF TRIBAL BELONGING. He may also harbor hopes of being Trump’s successor. But becoming Trump’s MAGA successor is impossible now for him within the Trump Republican Party.
View his delusions below and how America has been undermined. This is not just an issue of a policy difference. This is REALITY DISTORTION. George Conway below takes Mike Pence to task. Yes, he is Kelly Ann Conway’s husband. Imagine the supper talk at their house?
Trump actually seems to believe if you use enough testosterone he can be reinstated in August. Problem is that his followers will believe anything. This is a cult. When the facts counter-act the cult mythology then:
- Most leave the cult.
- But the remaining become even more hardcore.
- Problem is facts do not even penetrate the majority of this cult. So they will not leave and may become violent.
But not to worry. If Trump does survive politically without being arrested before 2024 we Democrats have a WINNING STRATEGY!
We can run on a winning platform of:
- Defund The Police – instead of reform.
- White Privilege– instead of ending racism.
- Bilingualism – so whose immigrant ancestors did not have to learn English?
- Endless open borders and calling those who oppose this as “racists”.
Psssst you dear reader……YES YOU!
Guess what? We do NOT have to role play the GUILTY SINNER to purchase your feelings of belonging to the Progressive Tribe. We can actually be “free thinkers”! Yes what an amazing concept. That I defend my immigrant ancestors who came to this country, fleeing from Ireland to work in the coal mines of Pennsylvania, risking their lives in dirt poverty does NOT make me a racist. Standing up for my ancestors does NOT diminish the great sacrifices and pain that Black Americans experienced and STIIL do.. Why must this be a “win – lose” scenario? Corporate America is laughing at us. Divide and conquer is their motto.
Maybe England should compensate my Irish ancestors who came to this country. By the way they had to LEARN ENGLISH. They spoke Gaelic Irish. A language that was stolen from them back in their homeland by the English. But this is 2021 time to grow up. My Irish ancestors in America were trying to survive the coal mines and dying from lung disease. They did not realize that is WHITE PRIVILEGE..
We on the left have to also make a choice. Are we people of the lie also? Do we value the testosterone rush of a collective masochistic guilt trip as our PRICE OF BELONGING to the liberal tribe? Or do we want to look honestly at America’s past and move on to a better tomorrow for all Americans.
STOP FEEDING TRUMP HIS AMUNITION. Besides Obama trained Fox News to be idiots. He never attacked them for the lies of:
- Birtherism
- Death Panels
- Deep State
- Hillary Clinton’s mystery 3 million roving voters. (a prelude to the BIG LIE of 2020).
Trumpism is founded on two Liberal mistakes. Not standing up to the above lies AND the left’s masochistic celebration of collective guilt. GOOD LUCK with that in 2022 and 2024! Yet many liberals instinctively know this. They left conventional Christianity because the COLLECTIVE GUILT TRIP OF ADAM AND EVE. We liberals advance a secular version of “collective guilt” with “white privilege”! This liberal guilt trip then becomes profit for FOX NEWS attacking us and Trump. Our nation was and is still endangered by the January 6th Insurrection. But Republicans are getting away with this by refusing to hold investigations in the Senate. But they had no problem with Benghazi. Do Democrats have the testosterone to use correctly and launch a investigation of the January 6th insurrection?
Time for Democrats to stop meowing for democracy and to call Mike Pence out for his cult like behavior. Cults make you place them above family.
Look how cultish is Mike Pence denial that both he and his family were in danger on January 6th insurrection.
This is classic CULT behavior
Ted Cruz on the below video attacks Trump as a pathelogical liar. Why isn’t this video run on TV by Democratic Party funds?
Ted Cruz says it all in the video above. Including how Trump projects his own issues on others. We need to run the video above. We can win with this but don’t alienate the middle class with a collective guilt testosterone rush of self righteousness! Can we on the left please stop feeding Trump by alienating our fellow Americans. LET’s SOLVE RACIAL INJUSTICE INSTEAD.