For right now you might want to look at the blog section. Once I make about 50 entries I will list the them in the various branches of the Tree structure that I am building. This page is part of that. I know … but please forgive me. Again if you go to the blog section you will see a listing of posts. Many more will be coming with videos that you can use as talking points to advance the Progressive agenda to friends and family. SPEAKING OF WHICH. I have made some enemies but hey what the hell. 🙂
Welcome to this site regardless if you are a progressive or a conservative. We are all Americans and we need to rediscover our national identity as one people and as an ideal. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was both a rich man and a caring progressive. Some Progressive ideas today are labeled “radical”. But they were actually advanced by FDR. Such as a second bill of rights.
This site does not exist to advance a particular candidate but a philosophy. To that end I support Joe Biden. But Democrats have become failures in the advancement of a consistent political philosophy for several reasons:
1. Trickle Down Identity: The Opiate Of The People
Many today view “Trickle Down Economics” as the problem. I view it as the symptom. The problem is Trickle Down Identity.
This is the belief or rather the unconscious societal internalization of one’s identity from the mythology of America’s CORPARATE COLLECTIVIST ideas. When I graduated college I found that my intelligence was not graded so much by my grades but by the subjugation of my individualism to CORPORATE COLLECTIVISM and it’s ideals and mythologies. I will go into great detail on this SCHEMA and it’s destructive maintenance – Trickle Down Identity.
“I was very impressed by your stock holders report. I would like to work for a corporation lie yours because ….. yada yada yada.”.
Like i really care about their stock holders sitting at home collecting a dividend check while I work for a paycheck. Do not get me wrong. Teamwork is a desirable goal. But what the hell do i care for your shareholder profits except as it translates to my future? Besides pensions and corporate responsibility to employees is gone if it ever even existed.
2. Democrats Marathon Celebration Of The Testosterone Free Political Lifestyle
Dear friends this is NOT SILLY SEASON. Trump is undermining our democracy. As speakers for the Lincoln Project note, “democrats go to a knife fight with a plastic fork”.
As Michelle Obama stated,
“When they go low we go high“!
– REALLY? How is that working out for you? Trump at this writing is undermining our elections. Hell he doesn’t need KGB PUTIN. He is doing it himself. Worse is that Democrats do not react with even 1/10the the testosterone that Fox News would take if Obama did a fraction of the destruction Trump is committing on America.
3. We Liberals Need To Watch Our Tribalism Also
Democrats have their own brand of Tribalism that is mired in masochism. The belief that change comes from guilt. Secular Adam And Eve. A sort of garden of eden collective guilt but a secular version. You can see this in race relations and climate change.
I am a religious liberal also. But it seems many of us in the political progressive movement need collective guilt as a motivator. The very “Garden of Eden collective guilt Mythology” many of us reject still lives in us. We can be motivated unless it is to feel guilty. Hey life is for feeling guilty right? Not in my book. Conservatives correctly pick up on this and use it against us. But more on that in future posts.
Both these areas need massive improvements. I just question if “white privilege” and guilt based conservation is going to affirm 21st century life. This is how the right wing destroys the Progressive agenda. Liberals come from a dark place. The very term they correctly describe Trump’s agenda. Liberals say they are secularists but maintain the belief of collective guilt from the Adam and Eve mythology they claim to rise above. The idea of “pull motivation” is foreign to them and thus they generate alienation and massive ammunition for Republicans. I will cover this in the section on tribalism.