This nation has endured a WAR ON SCIENCE. Our ability as a nation to deal with reality has been damaged by FOX NEWS EPISTEMOLOGY!
Fox News Epistemology: Our 21st Century Reality Testing
Yes Fox News Epistemology. That rigorous dedication to TRUTH in this wicked end time era of PEOPLE OF THE LIE! This dedication to TRUTH has blessed our intellectual landscape with:
- Death Panels
- Birtherism
- Deep State Conspiracies
- Roving bands of 3-5 million illegal voters that no one can see, but whose potency deprived our Dear Leader of the popular vote in 2016!
People are losing their homes, towns are burned to the ground. Smoke is becoming a major health hazard. California Gov. Newsom got emotional at Climate Change Deniers. But the PEOPLE OF THE LIE with Fox News and Donald Trump have rallied for a new philosophy of reality testing: FOX NEWS EPISTEMOLOGY! That same rigours, fair and balanced dedication to truth that gave us the intellectual blessings listed above, is now incarnate in our President.
Fox News Epistemology To The Rescue With Covid and Wild Fires
Through the blessed incarnation of this mindset into America’ via President Trump, our nation has nothing to fear from the raging forest fires on the west coast. As people become homeless and seek crowded shelters in this age of coronavirus we can thank the likes of Fox News and Vice President Pence for blessing our nation with our Dear Leader Donald Trump.
King Cyrus To America’s Rescue
I resent that Donald Trump gassed peaceful demonstrators so he could stand in front of my Episcopal Church to hold an upside down Bible.
Now this King Cyrus whose “reality testing” tells us to “open up” states and invites his followers to rallies without social distancing has a remedy for the West Coast. He wants all the leaves on the floors of west coast forests to be raked up!
Watch our Dear Leader Trump in the short video below when fires were raging before in California.
This is the intellectual tool set that is America’s defense against deadly forest fires and the corona virus. We are witnessing the fruitage of the NORMALIZATION OF THE PEOPLE OF THE LIE!
The time has come to say “NO” and to STAND UP FOR AMERICA. If Trump will back his pal, KGB Putin over American Military Intelligence then we should not trust him nor his FELLOW TRAVELERS at FOX NEWS! Yes, FOX NEWS the BLEEDING HEARTS for Trump and his attack on American Military Intelligence.
But I guess that is just Fox News and Trump’s way of saying “THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!”